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For children

Practice Mindfulness with your child

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is simply… noticing what is happening right now, in this moment and paying attention to it. Mindfulness is becoming aware of your senses and of how your body feels, moves; what you see, hear, touch, smell and taste.

Mindfulness is also noticing what your mind is doing, your thoughts as they arrive and developing your awareness that you are thinking and that its ok.


Mindfulness can help children in the following ways:

  • It helps to increase their concentration
  • It helps them to understand and regulate their emotions
  • It helps them become more aware of their bodies and their senses
  • It helps to build a connection with the natural world
  • It helps them to develop empathy and compassion for others
  • It helps them feel calmer
  • It helps them manage their stress and anxiety


Activities to practice Mindfulness

1. Make a mindfulness jar. Fill a jar almost to the brim with water, tip in some glitter, and fasten the lid firmly. Your child can then shake the jar and focus on what happens as the glitter swirls and then settles.

2. Go for a mindful walk. Have a stroll around your local area, the local park or the woods, making an effort to spot things you haven’t noticed before. During the walk, stop for a minute and concentrate only on the things you can hear: an easy exercise in mindfulness.

3.Blow bubbles. This is a great way to focus on breathing: a key part of mindfulness practice. Encourage your child to make the biggest bubble they can, and notice how they have to blow slowly and steadily to make it happen.

4.Use a mindfulness app. There are lots of good apps that help children master mindfulness, including Headspace for Kids, Smiling Mind and Sleep Meditations for Kids. ‘Apps are great for children to do in their free time, explore mindfulness with them, and, of course, this means you’ll benefit too.’

