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Dinosaur fact files

We have been working in groups to create a fact file about a species of dinosaur. They used books and iPads to research their chosen dinosaur and shared out the responsibility of recording their findings in their fact file.
Afterwards, they presented their fact file to the rest of the class. Super oracy skills!

Number bonds to 10

We have worked on our knowledge of number bonds to 10. Our previous learning that numbers are made up of smaller numbers has supported us and we’ve used a number of different resources to help get great recall. We have also used lots of partner work throughout our maths sessions using talk to explain our understanding.

Science Week

As part of Science week, we learnt how to care for pets with a great talk from our visitor, where we also got to meet some rabbits and two week old kittens. 


in PE we have been working on our team skills, working together to reach a goal. Within this we’ve also been working on our agility, balance and coordination. 
